Last Session Scheduled for March 21 has been cancelled
Samadhi and Jhana Practice and Study Group
A Series of Monthly Daylong Meetings for Deepening Concentration, Mindfulness & Insight
with Richard Shankman and guest teachers
Group meets one Saturday per month October through March
This series of daylong meetings will emphasize meditation practice, along with exploration of the ways samadhi (concentration) and jhana are presented in the foundational Pali texts and the range of ways they are practiced and taught today. We will learn how concentration is understood in relation to insight and how they can be brought together in a mutually supportive way.
In these daylongs of practice, study and discussion we will:
- Spend lots of time meditating together, learning techniques to strengthen concentration, develop jhana and deepen insight.
- Through teaching and discussion, explore various understandings of samadhi and jhana in the Pali texts and by modern teachers, and how they relate to insight meditation.
- Learn teachings and practices of various well-known samadhi and jhana teachers.
- Build community to support your practice during this class and beyond.
- Handouts and study material will be given each month.
The sessions will be divided evenly between teachings and meditation practice.
Optional ongoing practice support will include monthly practice interviews and a residential retreat.
Times and Dates: 9:30 am – 4:30 pm
2019: Oct 19, Nov 16
No Meeting in December
2020: Jan 25, Feb 29, Mar 21
Optional Retreat: April 10 – 17, 2020
Location: First Church of Christ, Scientist, 2619 Dwight Way, Berkeley
Registration: Pre-registration requested, though not required.
Cost: Group is offered on a dana (donation) basis.
To register or for any questions email:
Handouts for each session can be downloaded below:
Handout Session 1 – Oct. 19 2019
Homework Session 1 – Oct. 2019